• Curtiss Mansion (map)
  • 500 Deer Run
  • Miami Springs, FL 33166
  • USA

Greetings SebastianStrong Supporters. We are back with our 3rd Annual Childhood Cancer Awareness 5K Run/Walk!!!  Come on out and support SebastianStrong Foundation as we race to increase awareness & funding for childhood cancer research. The day includes a pre-race warm-up, live music, food trucks, face-painting, arts & crafts, and a Color Bar hosted by Kendra Scott. The race starts at 7:30 AM to beat the Florida heat.

There are so many ways to participate:

Sign up to Run/Walkas a timed participant.

Fundraise as a Team or an Individual Runner/Walker. Thanks to the efforts of our 5K runners/fundraisers last year, we were able to raise nearly $30,000 to fund childhood cancer research. We ask that you consider starting your own team, joining a team, or fundraising on your own. Every dollar counts in this fight! Please join us.

♦Can't be here for the race? No problem...sign up as a Virtual Walker/Runnerand receive an official 5K race shirt.

♦Don't want to walk or run, but want to help out? Sign up to be a Volunteer - we'll give you a shirt and put you to work!

This event is open to all ages and skill levels, so please invite your family, friends, classmates, & colleagues to sign up. Can't wait to see you all there!!!


SebastianStrong Foundation honors the life of Sebastian Ortiz by increasing awareness of childhood cancers and raising money to fund research for less toxic, more targeted childhood cancer cures.

Sebastian Nicolas Ortiz, the second-born of three sons to Rosa & Oscar Ortiz, was funny & kind, intelligent & athletic, handsome & humble - the kind of person you couldn’t help but love. He was a son & brother, a grandson, nephew, & cousin, a true friend, and a FIGHTER. Sebastian was diagnosed with a rare form of childhood cancer in October of 2015. He underwent various minor & major surgeries, two grueling chemotherapy regimens, and radiation. He lost weight & his hair.  He lost the ability to run. He endured constant pain. But he fought bravely for 14 months - with patience, faith, and courage - always with a smile and kind word for anyone who visited him. He gave us STRENGTH. Sebastian’s fight ended on December 29, 2016, and the SebastianStrong Foundation was born. He will live on FOREVER in our hearts and in our race to help find a cure for childhood cancer.

♥Childhood cancer is the #1 cause of death by disease among children.
♥One in 285 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer by the time they are 20 years old.
♥Two-thirds of childhood cancer patients will have long lasting chronic conditions from treatment, including heart & lung failure and secondary cancers.
♥Since 1980, only four new drugs have been developed specifically for use in children.
♥There are 70 potential life years lost on average when a child dies of cancer compared to 15 potential life years lost for adults.

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