• Everywhere! (map)
  • Weston, FL
  • USA

A virtual event in light of a very real problem.  

With so many events being postponed due to concerns over COVID-19, the impact to local economies is devastating.  Additionally, runners are left without an event to unite us.  We want to 'host' a virtual event to not only bring our running communities together without actually getting together and try to raise some awareness, and hopefully some money, to help small businesses that will be severely impacted by these postponements.  Restaurants, cafes, BNB's, as well as event companies.  

Your registration fees will cover the cost of your shirt, your participation medal and your bib and shipping to your address.  All items will be shipped out as soon as possible after the virtual event date.  

We are looking for a charity that helps small businesses in South Florida or nationwide. Once we find one, we will open up donations.  if you have suggestions, let us know.